Field Configuration Settings in Swyft AI
When setting up field configurations in Swyft AI, there are several important settings you can adjust to tailor how data is generated and managed. This article will guide you through these settings and their implications.
1. Automation Settings
To ensure that Swyft AI generates data for a field, you need to enable automation:
Enable Automation
Toggle on the "Automation Enabled" switch. This setting allows Swyft AI to automatically generate data for the selected field.
Manual Data Update
For fields where you prefer users to manually update the data via Swyft, toggle on "Visible on Meeting Form," but do not enable "Automation Enabled." This way, Swyft AI will not auto-generate data but will make the field available for manual entry.
2. Visibility Settings
You can control whether a field's data is visible to end users:
Visible to End User
Toggle on "Visible on Meeting Form" if you want the field and its generated data to be visible to users. This is useful for fields that need to be seen and interacted with by the end user.
Hidden from End User
If you prefer that the generated data remains hidden from end users (typically used for internal workflow purposes), do not toggle on "Visible on Meeting Form." This allows Swyft AI to generate data without displaying it to the end user.
3. Data Saving Options
You can adjust how Swyft AI saves data in a field:
Overwrite Existing Value
Select this option if you want Swyft AI to completely replace any existing data with new data. This is useful when the new data should entirely supersede the previous information.
This option is only available on text field types
Combine Intelligently
Choose this option if you want Swyft AI to merge the current CRM data with the new data. Swyft AI will consider the context of both the old and new data to form a comprehensive piece of information. This is especially useful for fields where data is captured over multiple meetings or conversations.
This option is only available on text field types
Append To Top / Bottom
Use this setting if you want to add new data to the top or bottom of the existing data in the field. Swyft AI will effectively "Copy & Paste" the new information either before or after the current content.
This option is only available on text field types
Use this setting if you want your multi-picklist fields to retain existing data and only add in new suggested data. Swyft AI will take any new selections from the multi-picklist and add them into the content that was previously there.
This option is only available on multi-picklist field types
4. Context Settings
You can enable or disable the inclusion of company and team context:
Include Company & Team Context
Toggle on the option to include company and team context when Swyft AI generates data for this field. This setting ensures that the generated data takes into account relevant company and team information, providing more accurate and contextually appropriate results.
Need help configuring Company and Team context? Read our Context Configurations article.
By adjusting these field configuration settings in Swyft AI, you can control how data is generated, displayed, and managed to best suit your needs. Need more help? Reach out to [email protected]