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Screening Prompts

Learn how to properly prompt screening configurations.

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Written by Swyft AI
Updated over a week ago

Screening Prompts:

A screening prompt's purpose is to decide if a specific subject was discussed in customer communication. This helps Swyft determine if data should be generated for that field.

For example, a screening prompt for a "Next Steps" CRM field could be something like "Were scheduled next steps discussed in this call?".

1. Understand the Purpose of the Screening Prompt

The primary goal of a screening prompt is to filter out irrelevant or unnecessary data, and determine if a specific trigger is met. By setting up a clear and concise question, you ensure that only the most pertinent information is captured.


  • "Did the customer in this call ask about pricing?"

2. Keep It Simple and Specific

Your screening prompt should be easy to understand and answer. Avoid complex or ambiguous questions. A clear yes/no question will yield better results and reduce the chance of capturing irrelevant data.


  • Instead of: "Is this conversation relevant to our business?"

  • Use: "Did the customer in this call ask for product pricing?"

3. Test and Refine Your Screening Prompt

Once you've created your screening prompts, it's important to test them in your testing environment. Use a recent meeting to test whether or not your screening prompt is effectively determining whether or not to generate data.

Test multiple different meetings to avoid overfitting a prompt to a specific meeting. A high quality screening prompt will be able to correctly filter our irrelevant data across many different meetings and meeting types.

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